Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Remove Sweat Odors From Dryclean Only Clothes

Drycleaning will not always remove organic smells, such as sweat odor.

Imagine you are sitting down for a very important job interview. All of a sudden, you realize that the dry cleaners failed to remove offensive body odor from your neatly pressed suit. Sweat odor is embarrassing and can make a very bad first impression. Sweat odors trapped in dry clean only clothes can be stubborn to remove. Fortunately, there is a simple and inexpensive way to remove the foul odor and you can continue to wear your dry clean-only clothes without any more worries.


1. Make a paste by adding 4 tbsp. of baking soda to 1/4 cup of warm water. Stir mixture into a smooth paste.

2. Turn garment inside out. Rub a liberal amount of paste into the foul-smelling areas. Cover the garment with a piece of plastic wrap or plastic bag so that the mixture doesn't dry out. Allow to sit overnight.

3. One simple cleaning trick can take away stubborn odors.

Take a damp cloth and wipe off the paste. Be sure to remove all paste residue. Allow the garment to dry for several hours. If the weather is warm and sunny, hang the garment on a clothesline to dry. When dry, you can wear your odor-free garment.

Tips Warnings

Baking soda also can remove underarm and collar stains from shirts.