Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Clean Out My Bedroom Walkin Closet

Store small items in baskets to keep them tidy in your walk-in closet.

Cleaning and organizing a bedroom walk-in closet may seem like an insurmountable challenge. Clothes barely clinging to hangers, sweatshirts bulging over the shelf and pants left unfolded in a heap all beg for your attention at once. Concentrating on tackling one issue at a time and following a predetermined plan of attack will help you reduce clutter, organize clothing and accessories and make choosing your outfit each day a pleasant and stress-free experience.


1. Schedule time to clean out your bedroom walk-in closet. Dedicate three to four hours of one day to cleaning and organizing your walk-in closet. For those unable to devote an afternoon or evening to the task, set aside a specific time to organize certain things in the closet, such as shoes, purses, shirts, ties and pants.

2. Establish some ground rules. Determine the criteria for deciding if an item remains in the closet, heads to the garbage or gets donated. Consider the number of times you have worn an item in the last year, the current styles or trends and sizing when determining criteria.

3. Work on one section at a time. Concentrate on cleaning out specific items. Start with shoes, purses and accessories and then move on to the items stored on hangers and on shelves.

4. Place clothes, shoes and accessories into appropriate piles. Designate specific areas for clothes you will keep, those you will throw out and those you will donate. Place each item into the corresponding pile as you clean out your closet. Organizing your clothes, shoes and accessories will help you place the items back in the closet in an efficient manner.

5. Gather boxes and bags to help transport clothes to the garbage or to a local charity or second-hand store. Purchase clear containers or decorative baskets to store accessories, including scarves, gloves and belts. Purchase a shoe rack and decorative hooks for purses that see regular use.

6. Organize items as you place them back in the walk-in closet. Arrange clothes by season, color and type. Wash or dry clean clothes that need to be cleaned before placing them back in the closet. Consider storing seasonal clothes, such as winter coats and costumes, in another closet or room to keep clutter to a minimum.