Sunday, March 9, 2014

What Is Good For Stomach Gas

Gas is a normal part of life and a sign of a functioning digestive system. In fact is it not uncommon for a person to pass gas (or burp) 14 times per day or more. But if you feel that the amount of your gas is excessive, and it is very odorous, there are a few things that you can do and take to ameliorate the problem.

Diet Change

One of the best things you can do to reduce stomach gas is to change your diet. First, stop drinking milk for about a week to see if this is the source of your gas. You could be lactose intolerant. Next, stop eating foods that are high in fat, as they can disrupt your digestive system and cause problems with gas.

Finally, if all else fails, start limiting your intake of certain vegetables. Cabbage and beans are two culprits that are responsible for causing more frequent gas. These types of vegetables are also a significant cause of very bad smelling gas because they leave chunks of sugar called oligosaccharides in your digestive tract, which odorous bacteria feeds on. Brussels spouts and broccoli, as well as fruits like pears and apples, which are high in natural sugars and fiber, can also cause flatulence. Be sure to replace the nutrients that you would get from these foods with vitamins.


If you want to reduce your gas but don't want to limit the types of food that you consume, consider using a supplement like Beano with all of your meals. Beano is the product name for an enzyme that is created from the Aspergillus niger fungus. The enzyme breaks down the sugar molecules in food that bacteria love to feed on, which helps to better regulate the digestive system and reduce flatulence.

Simethicone Products

You can also get temporary relief from the symptoms of stomach gas and that bloated feeling by using a product that contains simethicone. This substance bursts the gas bubbles in your stomach before they have a chance to be released into the air. Popular products include Phayzme, Gas-X and Mylanta.

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