Sunday, March 2, 2014

Make A Metal Man Out Of Found Metal Objects

Brazing can turn scrap into art.

Making a sculpture out of found metal is a hobby enjoyed by many amateur sculptors. However it takes special equipment and skills to throw a sculpture together. Brazing is an good option when mixing different metals and pieces. Brazing is the process of heating metal with a low melting point to fuse different parts together. Brazing can connect metal with different melting points, works well with aluminum and can work with smaller parts. With the right tools, a pile of found metal can be made into a metal man sculpture.


Brazing Scrap Metal

1. Have a work space prepared.

Set up a workshop to make a sculpture. The area should be well lit and have enough electrical outlets. The area should be ventilated and have enough room to store parts, equipment and have space to assemble the pieces.

2. Collect pieces of found metal. Items can be found in rummage sales, scrap yards, thrift stores and flea markets. Gather the pieces together and lay them out. Plan the shape of the metal sculpture from the pieces. Make sure the item will be strong enough at the base and balanced. Mark out where items should be brazed together.

3. Clean and flux parts. Dirty or rusty parts will not connect as strongly and can complicate the assembly process. Fluxing is adding brazing flux to the surface of metals at the place they will be joined. This chemical prevents oxidation and makes for a stronger hold.

4. Clamp parts that are going to be connected. This will free your hands to make a better bond through brazing. Start with the main structure of the piece and add decorative pieces later. This gives you a stronger sculpture and makes it easier later.

5. Heat the metals being connected with the acetylene torch. Heat the surfaces evenly, so they will be close to the same temperature. Heat until just before the metals turn red or when the flux becomes clear. Insert the brazing rod into the joint. The rod will melt and fuse together the two pieces of metal. Let it cool.

6. Clean the brazed joint. Put the joint into a hot water bath of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) or hotter. This will cause the remaining flux on the metal to break off. Rub with a wire brush if flux remains. If the joint has oxidized, a hydrochloric acid bath may be needed. While wearing gloves and a face mask, dip the joint in a 25 percent hydrochloric acid solution to remove oxides and rust. After the flux is cleaned off, used a pickling agent to clean any remaining oxides. Use the solution recommended by the manufacturer of the flux.

Tips Warnings

Use safety equipment to protect yourself

Only work in well-ventilated areas.

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