Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Longterm Effects Of Synthroid

The thyroid is a small organ that is responsible for secreting the thyroid hormone. This hormone is responsible for controlling the body's metabolism. As a result, people who have low levels of thyroid hormone may feel sluggish and fatigued, constantly feel cold and put on weight easily. People with low levels of thyroid hormone may take a drug called Synthroid, which works to replace it.

Common Side Effects

The most common side effects from using Synthroid, especially over the long term, are feelings of anxiety, insomnia and muscle tremors. Patients may also experience heart palpitations. These side effects can occur at any time, as the levels of thyroid hormone in the blood fluctuate.

Synthroid and Weight Loss

The thyroid gland secretes a hormone that regulates metabolism. Because Synthroid works to replace this hormone, long-term use can lead to some of the characteristics of an overactive metabolism. As a result, over time people taking Synthroid can lose weight and have their appetite increase.

Synthroid and Vitamins

In some cases, people taking Synthroid may be told not to take certain vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron and magnesium. This is because these minerals can interfere with Synthroid's absorption. As a result, people who are taking Synthroid make suffer from deficiencies of these minerals, which can result in conditions such as anemia.

Synthroid and Osteoporosis

There is also evidence that long-term use of Synthroid can lead to the minerals in the bones breaking down. This can lead to a loss of bone density, a condition known as osteoporosis. It is not known if this is due to a direct action of Ssynthroid itself or if Synthroid interferes with calcium absorption.

Synthroid and Other Medications

One of the disadvantages of taking Synthroid for long periods of time is that it can interact with other medications. For example, Synthroid can react with lithium and certain antidepressants, which can lead to hypothyroidism. Some of the contrasting dyes that are used for radiology can also interact with Synthroid and either increase or decrease its effectiveness. Synthroid can also interact with many drugs for diabetes, resulting in the need for an increased dosage.

Tags: taking Synthroid, thyroid hormone, interact with, levels thyroid, levels thyroid hormone, people taking