Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Information The Birth Stone Topaz

Topaz is a precious gemstone that's found in many colors; the name comes from the island of Topazos, where the Romans originally found the stone. Topaz makes a versatile birthstone because of its wide range of colors.


Topaz is the birthstone for November, and the 4th and 19th wedding anniversary stone. It can be cut into most shapes and used in any type of jewelry.


Topaz may be colorless or contain shades of yellow, brown, blue, pink or green. The most valuable type is an orange-yellow stone called Imperial Topaz.


Topaz may resemble several other gemstones; the colorless variety can resemble a diamond, while other types may look like aquamarine, beryl or sapphire.


Citrine is a much less valuable stone that's difficult to differentiate from topaz. Some dishonest dealers have capitalized on this by selling citrine under the names Gold Topaz or Citrine Topaz, so make sure you're buying pure topaz and not an imitation.

Fun Fact

Topaz symbolizes loyalty and faithfulness in friendship, and is a symbol of strength.
