Thursday, May 31, 2012

Stress Relief Activities For Kids

Parents often forget that kids get stressed too. It doesn't matter how old the kids are, they all experience stress. That's why it's so important to find easy ways to help your kids de-stress throughout the week. School, friends and family life can really create a lot of stress for kids. Add in some after-school sports and other activities, and it can be even worse.


Encourage your children to take naps, even if the children are older. Older kids can benefit from naps just as much as younger kids. Sleep is how we revitalize ourselves and how we recuperate. No one is sure exactly why we need to sleep, but we are sure that we need it and can't function without it. By encouraging your children to take naps, you will be reducing fatigue and their stress levels too. This also helps you because it gives you the opportunity to take a small break from your kids (or catch some sleep yourself), which can put you in a better place for dealing with your own stresses. Early afternoon just after lunchtime is the ideal time for younger children to take naps. Older children should be encouraged to take a nap after school. Make sure you have an energizing snack ready for your child when he or she wakes up. Cheese and apple slices are a healthy and easy snack.


Pets are not only a stress-reliever for parents but for children too. Having pets to look after teaches children responsibility, which gives them a better sense of self-worth and accomplishment. Most children will strike a rewarding bond with the pet, as well as experience stress relief. Not to mention that pets are a lot of fun. Dogs can be trained to do all sorts of fun things and can accompany children to the park or on a walk (another way to relieve stress is physical activity). Cats are relaxing and calming and can also make great pets. Snakes and other reptiles are not suitable pets for small children.

Creative Activities

Children love to be creative and most children are naturally creative. It's a good idea to encourage creativity by providing the child with creative activities in which to participate. Kids need to stay creative with things like playing interactive-games play, working with clay and painting. This type of creative activity can keep children busy for hours. It de-stresses them in the process, which is a bonus for both the child and parents. Also, encouraging your children to write down their thoughts and do creative writing is another creative activity for them to try.

Tags: children take, children take naps, take naps, your children, creative activity, encouraging your, encouraging your children