Monday, January 18, 2010

Boost Fertility

With all of the possible side effects associated with medical fertility treatments, many men and women prefer to stick with natural options–or at least to try them first. Read on for some tips on boosting fertility, naturally, whether your planning to start trying later or right now.


1. Eat a nutrient-rich diet. When it comes to conception, many people focus only on the woman. The truth is, eating well is important for the fertility of both men and women as it relates to the overall health picture. Stick to a natural diet that is high in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, and whole grains. Choose a variety. Eat organic foods whenever possible. Eat many foods in their raw state. I recommend a vegan diet, but if you choose to incorporate dairy, stick to non- or low-fat organic options. If you incorporate meat, stick to skinless poultry or lean red meats. Make sure seafood options are lower in mercury.

2. Avoid the bad stuff. While few individuals eat perfectly 100 percent of the time, there are certain things to avoid most of the time. These include processed foods, fried foods, foods with artificial colorings, foods with preservatives, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and refined flour. Caffeine and alcohol consumption both can be fertility busters.

3. Reduce stress. Struggling with fertility can compound the stress you might already have in your life. Recent studies have linked elevated stress hormone (such as cortisol) levels to early labor as well as to infertility. Yoga, meditation, breath work, sex, exercise, general relaxation, social support networks, and just plain having fun are all good stress reduction techniques.

4. Exercise. With its proven stress reduction benefits, exercise also helps maintain overall health. Make time for exercise, even if it only a short walk at the end of your day.

5. Consider supplements. There is so much information and misinformation about supplements that it is an industry in constant change. It is probably safe and beneficial to take a basic multivitamin and a B complex vitamin to get both folic acid and Vitamin B-12. This can only help improve and sustain your reproductive health.

Tags: foods with, overall health, stress reduction