Friday, January 22, 2010

What Effects Does Rose Quartz Have On The Brain

Rose quartz is touted for its healing and cleansing benefits.

Crystal healing with rose quartz ranges from metaphysical to physical, and can encompass emotional and psychic healing as well. Known as the love stone for its pink hues, the stone is related to the heart chakra and is often used as a healing stone for physical heart issues. The stone is believed to bring comfort to the aggrieved, alleviate depression, cure migraines and headaches and bring release from addictions.

Bear in mind that there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims, and that information given in this article is not to be used as medical treatment or diagnosis. Crystal healing should also not be substituted for medical treatment by qualified medical personnel.

History of Rose Quartz

According to, "not much is known historically about Rose Quartz...beads were found in the area once known as Mesopotamia (today's Iraq) that date back to 7000 BC." Rose Quartz jewelry was known to be crafted by the Assyrians during the time span of 800 to 600 BC, and it is believed that the Assyrians and Romans were the first to use this stone. The Romans used it for making seals as a sign of ownership. They also considered it a strong healing stone, while the Egyptians believed the pink stone prevented aging.

Metaphysical and Physical Properties of Rose Quartz

According to the Psychics and Mediums Network, the metaphysical qualities attributed to rose quartz include tranquility and peace. Used to open the heart chakra, the stone is believed to draw away negative energies and replace them with warmth and love. Called "the stone of unconditional love" by, the mineral is believed to open a person to love in all its forms. Associated with the element water, as well as astrological signs Libra and Taurus, healers believe it acts as a salve to the emotions, according to Remember that the claims made by crystal healers have not been substantiated by scientific studies, and that crystal healing treatments should never be considered substitution for medical advice and treatment.

Use of rose quartz as an anti-aging and anti-wrinkle treatment dates to several hundred centuries BC, and such a use for the gem is just as popular today. Said to enhance complexion, fertility and efforts to lose weight, the stone is believed to also strengthen the heart and circulatory systems, according to It is also believed to remove and release impurities from the body. Luna Online Home Studies says the stone is also frequently used for healing issues of sexual dysfunction, problems with the genitals and other sex-related illnesses, though these claims have not been substantiated with scientific proof.

Healing Properties of Rose Quartz in Relation to the Brain

Handling or wearing rose quartz can alleviate migraines and other headaches, according to, and the crystal's healing powers have been attributed to healing of depression and addictions. Healers also believe that handling rose quartz can lead to higher brain functionality and increased intellectual ability, and the stone is believed to help against Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease and senile dementia. Additionally, uses of the stone's healing energies include relief from vertigo and ear aches, says Luna Online Home Studies.

Crystal Healing and the Brain observes "the heart chakra is the strongest generator of Light energy in the body, even stronger than the brain." To this end, the benefits of rose quartz's effect on the brain combined with the superior strength of the heart chakra create strong healing vibrations. Crystal healing and chakra therapies have not been validated by scientific studies, despite being an ancient practice with references in Biblical writings, according to

Emotional Benefits of Rose Quartz

Beyond the physical effects rose quartz has on the brain, the emotional benefits of rose quartz are far-reaching. Able to act on several parts of the brain, and believed to bring balance and harmony to one's emotions, the stone is affiliated with self-acceptance and embracing self-worth, as well as raising self-esteem and eliminating resentment and anger according to Luna Online Home Studies. The stone is well-known as a healing element in cases of grief and loss as well, says and

Tags: have been, heart chakra, Rose Quartz, rose quartz, stone believed, Home Studies