The yoga plank position helps to sculpt both the upper body and the arms. When practiced on a regular basis, the yoga plank position can sculpt and define the biceps and triceps. It also helps sculpt and tone the shoulders, chest, and core muscles. The yoga plank position is one of the most popular poses in the Sun Salutation and is a great strength workout. There are also challenging variations of the yoga plank position that can further increase arm and upper body strength.
1. Place your hands and knees on your yoga mat. Keep hands and feet parallel to each other. Move your body into a push-up pose. Keep your hips and shoulders level and do not raise your glutes higher than your shoulders. Think of your body as a plank, but don't stiffen your body.
2. Support your weight on your arms and distribute the weight evenly in your hands. Your palms should be facing forward on your mat.
3. Raise your right leg a few inches off the ground and hold for ten seconds. Place your right foot on your mat. Raise your left leg off the mat and hold for ten seconds. Return your left foot on the mat.
4. Move your ankles slightly back and then push forward a little with your arms. Feel the stretch and hold the pose for ten seconds. Return to plank pose and hold the pose for another ten seconds. Place your knees on the mat and rest before you begin another series of plank poses. Repeat 6 to 8 times. If you want to challenge yourself, practice plank pose at least 10 to 15 times.
Tags: plank position, yoga plank position, Place your, yoga plank, your body