Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Is Leptoprin

Leptoprin is an expensive holistic weight loss aid containing mostly caffeine and amino acids. Marketed by A.G. Waterhouse, the supplement is available on the official website or at other online retailers. A generic brand called Leptopril is sold at discount stores and drugstores. Internet reviews are mainly negative toward this product.


Leptoprin once contained ephedrine, a substance known to be effective for weight loss, until ephedrine was banned by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 2004. Leptoprin now contains green coffee and green tea as stimulants, along with seven amino acids, and some herbal, fruit and root ingredients. None of these substances has been shown as effective in fat burning or weight loss. The stimulant-free version of Leptoprin has been discontinued.


Dietblogtalk comments that although the product relies heavily on amino acids, it does not include the most effective weight loss amino acids. Those are carnitine, phenylalaline and tryptophan, which all have been indicated as efficient fat burners and appetite suppressants.

Expert Insight

Even when the product still contained ephedrine, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against Basic Research, the parent company of A.G. Waterhouse, for making false and unsubstantiated weight loss claims in regard to Leptoprin and another formula which had contained ephedrine, Anorex. They company claimed clinical testing indicated Leptoprin use could cause weight loss of more than 20 lbs., and that evidence showed it could cause weight loss of as much as 147 lbs. in significantly overweight users.


The 147 lb. weight loss testimonial was given in a television ad stating that Leptoprin is "much too expensive and much too powerful for the casual dieter." The ad does not explain why the company sells an exact same version of the product for 1/4 of the cost at Wal-Mart.


Online reviews are more than three-to-one negative, and that includes from when the product still contained ephedrine. Some people who apparently don't notice how much caffeine is in Leptoprin mention being unable to sleep. The price is a point of contention, since the ingredients are easily found in other products. One reviewer mentioned that for $150 a bottle, the supplement better suck the fat right out of her hips.

Tags: weight loss, amino acids, contained ephedrine, cause weight, cause weight loss, could cause