Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Swim & Breathe Out

Learn to breathe properly during swimming.

Swimming represents one of the most popular and effective cardiovascular workouts. Swimming will also develop your muscles since you have to navigate your way through water while swimming. This provides natural resistance training. In order to become a better swimmer, you need to learn the proper technique for breathing out. You can achieve this with practice.


1. Perform your stroke. You breathe out in the same manner regardless of your stroke. If you perform a non-traditional stroke that keeps your head above water the entire time, such as the doggy paddle, you can simply breathe normally during the stroke. Otherwise, you need to learn to breathe effectively.

2. Breathe in. During your stroke, you need to reposition yourself to breathe in. Of course, this must be done with your mouth out of the water. In freestyle, you tilt your head to the side and take a breath. In the breaststroke, you pop out of the water to get some air.

3. Breathe out. You do not want to waste your time breathing out while out of the water. The longer you stay submerged, the more rapidly you can swim. The only reason to bob your head out of the water should be to breathe in. As such, you need to breathe out directly into the water. Breathe out into the water using your mouth or nose. Afterward, avoid the temptation to allow any air back into your lungs. You need to secure your air passageways and not allow any air to reenter. You will breathe in again once you emerge from the water temporarily. You can practice this technique into a fish bowl to become more comfortable with it. Over time, you will learn to breathe out directly into the water and not inhale any water in the process.

Tags: into water, your head, your stroke, breathe directly, breathe directly into, directly into, directly into water