Sunday, February 5, 2012

Use A Chakra Kit

The seven colors of the rainbow correspond directly to the order of the chakra system.

Chakras are thought to be energy fields that encompass seven different areas of the body and spirit. Most chakra kits contain seven stones of seven different colors to represent each chakra of the body. Chakra kits are thought to facilitate healing of physical maladies by focusing on the energy related to the chakra that corresponds to the area of the body that is suffering. Those who believe in the healing powers of crystals, stones and chakra therapy also believe that a physical fixed through traditional medicine can return if the chakra remains weak. (ref 1) Using a chakra kit involves a simple, straightforward process.


1. Open your chakra kit and read all the information about the stones and how they correspond to different chakras and different parts of the body.

2. Go to a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes and turn off all noise-making devices such as phones.

3. Lie down on your back and breathe deeply and slowly. This process helps to slow down your physiological functions. If there is a sound that soothes you like rain, wind or chimes, feel free to turn it on. Otherwise remain breathing slowly in the quiet.

4. Imagine a white, healing light that enters the body as you breathe in. Imagine that your stresses and negative energy leaves as you breathe out. According to the Kacha Stones website, this prepares your body to get the maximum benefit of the chakra stones.

5. Place each stone on its chakra area. The literature in your kit should tell you where to place the stones. If it doesn't, follow these instructions: Place the red stone at the base of the spine . The orange stone should be placed 1- to 2-inches below the navel. Place the yellow stone below the breastbone and behind the stomach. (ref 2) Place the green stone at the center of the chest at the level of your heart. Place the blue stone on the neck in the throat area. Place the indigo stone a finger breath above the eyebrows and in between them. Place the violet stone at the crown of your head.

6. Relax, meditate and visualize what each chakra represents, focusing on any chakras that are above an area where you have a physical problem. Also concentrate on any chakras that represent qualities you want to work on or enhance. Keep in mind the end result you want to receive from the use of the chakra kit. Do this for 10 minutes. Repeat as often as you like.

Tags: chakras that, down your, each chakra, seven different