Monday, February 20, 2012

Professional Code Of Ethics For Teachers

Teachers must follow a code of ethics in the classroom.

The way teachers do their work is regulated by their own ethical standards and by those of the teaching profession. Whereas some professions have formulated their own universal code of ethics, such as the Hippocratic Oath of doctors, there are several published codes of ethics for teachers. Even though the best known is the code of the National Education Association, most state departments of education have developed their own codes that govern the work of teachers.

Personal Example

Guidelines listed in most ethical codes outline how teachers should conduct themselves with students. It includes instructions concerning the care and manner with which they do their work and how they treat students and others.

Classroom Climate

Teachers can establish beneficial classroom climates by creating an environment of safety and trust where students are free from fear and ridicule. It is important for teachers to conduct a spirit of cooperation and friendly competition. The classroom teacher should motivate all students to work hard and should never embarrass a student if he does not work as hard as others.

Ethical Dialogue

Teachers should establish an ethical dialogue in their classrooms by discussing with the students the core ethical values such as honesty, respect for others and responsibility. These values come to play not only in the study of classroom subjects, but in the real life events of the school.


It is against any code of ethics for teachers to harass or discriminate against a student due to their race, color, sex, nationality, religion or physical or mental condition. All students have the right to an education and should receive quality care from the teacher.

Obligation to the Public

Precautions should be taken to distinguish between teachers' personal views and those of the institution or organization in which the teacher is affiliated. Teachers should not knowingly misrepresent information in communicating with students, parents or other teaching professionals.

Tags: with students, code ethics, ethics teachers, Teachers should, their work, work hard