Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reduce Fear Of The Audience In Public Speaking

Following a few suggestions may help you overcome the fear of public speaking.

Public speaking can be terrifying to think about. There are ways to reduce the fear of being confronted by an audience. By following just a few tips, you will be on your way to a less stressful public speaking experience.


1. Practice public speaking as often as you can. With each experience, your skills will improve.

2. Prepare thoroughly for the public speaking engagement by knowing the subject intimately and organizing how you will present the information. This will reduce stress as you are now the expert on the subject, whereas the listener is most likely new to the topic.

3. Do a few practice runs in front of the mirror and then in front of your friends or family members. You will attain a more solid rhythm and flow after each practice.

4. Inject brief humor into the presentations to create a more positive atmosphere and loosen yourself up at the same time. Knowing your audience, particularly the ages and backgrounds of your listeners, will be useful when making a joke.

5. Take deep breaths before your turn to present. Imagine being successful. The audience wants you to succeed and remember that nobody can be perfect.

Tags: public speaking