Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Treat Tendonitis Pain In The Shoulder

Treat Tendonitis Pain in The Shoulder

Getting shoulder tendonitis can be pretty painful and cause discomfort. I've recently gotten tendonitis in my shoulder. Not too severe, but enough to realize more about it.There are different ways of getting it. A tear in the rotator cuff, is a common place to get it. Tendonitis is inflammation in the joint that causes pain and stiffness. Tendonoitis is usually caused in the shoulder from an injury. If you're over 40, you're more prone to getting it especially if you work out. Muscles tend to weaken as you get older. If you're familiar with sports, a lot of pitchers, or Quarterbacks tend to get it quite often. A tendon tears, and it becomes painful. Direct contact, like a fall can be a cause as well. The symptoms is you'll feel a burning sensation in your shoulder, especially when you're required any activity using that shoulder.


1. Rest the shoulder. If you work out, or use that shoulder specifically in some kind of activity, it's best to rest the shoulder and let the tendons heal. If you continue to lift weights, or lift in general, you can cause further damage and surgery might be needed. You can still pick up a bag, things of that nature, unless you're in severe pain when you move your shoulder at all. I'd just avoid any workout activity that revolves more wear and tear on your rotator cuff. Let it heel naturally.

2. Apply ice on your shoulder. A good and natural way to help heal, and numb the pain away. Ice can be a great natural way to heal a lot of injuries. For severe pain, you'll probably need some kind of medication, but applying ice packs sure doesn't hurt. Ice and even heat can help reduce inflammation. Taking a really hot bath could help as well.

3. Sleep in the right position. Sleeping can be a real pain, and sometimes how you sleep might even cause tendonitis in your shoulder. Especially if you have tendonitis, finding a sleeping position can be difficult. Don't sleep on your side, where the pain is coming from that direct shoulder. That is common sense. I'd suggest sleeping on your stomach, with your weight direct to the opposite shoulder. Have your head turn in the direction of where the tendonitis is coming from. Because that way your body weight won't apply any pressure on that shoulder at all. Sleeping on your back might not be good, since you can feel the pain in the back of your shoulder as well. Find a comfortable sleeping position, one that won't cause further damage or discomfort.

4. Do routine stretches. Especially in the future when working out, but even with the pain, stretch that shoulder out. It really does help, it still needs some activity and workout to help heal. Just nothing severe, like lifting, that can damage it even more for you. Do routine stretches that's revolved with the shoulder.

5. Talk to your doctor. If you're suffering from extreme discomfort, then get a sling for your shoulder. Severe pain is when ever you literally move any part of the rotator cuff, you're in extreme discomfort where you can barely move it at all. Cases like that you definitely should consult a doctor. Otherwise you can treat it yourself, if it's not that bad. You possibly could need surgery if it's really severe, or certain pain medications to help you heal.

Tags: your shoulder, that shoulder, help heal, rotator cuff, cause further, cause further damage