Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Breathe Properly While Jogging

Although breathing properly may be natural to the advanced runner, the beginner might feel like they can’t seem to get enough air. Proper breathing can improve your experience, and keep you out on the jogging paths. Read on to learn breathe properly while jogging.


1. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Many people breathe through their mouth the entire workout. Breathing in through your nose signals your body to take deeper breaths, which helps you relax. Relaxing helps you take deeper breaths, which makes jogging easier.

2. Pace your breathing. Breathing in for three or four steps, then breathing out for three or four steps keeps your breathing focused.

3. Try breathing using your stomach. Instead of just expanding your ribcage when you breathe in, try expanding your ribcage, pushing down your diaphragm and expanding your stomach as well. This will allow you to get more air per breath, and can help you relax more.

4. Check your perceived exertion. Are you breathing hard through your entire workout? Would you say that on a scale of one to 10 you are jogging at an eight or above? You might be working in an anaerobic zone, which causes heavy breathing.

5. If you still can’t seem to get it right, try hiring a running coach or joining a running group. The coach or group leader can evaluate your breathing, and give you pointers to help you breathe easier.

Tags: through your, expanding your, your breathing, breaths which, deeper breaths, deeper breaths which