Thursday, September 9, 2010

Natural Alternative To Sleeping Pills

Several natural alternatives exist for those wishing to avoid sleeping pills and their side effects. If you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, try using aromatherapy, consuming certain foods and drinks in the evening, and modifying your sleeping habits. Exercise and breathing exercises can also be helpful, but do not perform any sort of cardiovascular exercise within 3 hours of going to bed.


Certain herbs and plants, such as lavender, vanilla, chamomile, bergamot, sandalwood and mandarin oil, have been shown to have a relaxing effect. Essential oils can be used in a warm bath or heated in a diffuser.

Food and Drink

Drink a cup of chamomile tea or a glass of warm milk before bed. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, the same chemical found in turkey that causes sleepiness. Other foods that contribute to relaxation are bananas, almonds and oatmeal. Almonds also contain tryptophan; bananas and oatmeal contain the hormone melatonin, which helps to regulate natural sleeping rhythms.

Herbal Remedies

Natural sleep aids such as melatonin and valerian generally have fewer side effects than sleeping pills, although they can cause daytime fatigue and should not be used every night.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga refers to yoga postures that create a deep feeling of relaxation. Try performing yoga postures such as "legs up the wall pose" before bedtime: lie on the floor with your legs straight up against the wall, and stay in this position for 5 to 15 minutes.

Behavior Modification

Avoid stimulants, such as caffeine or nicotine, in the evening. Light from a TV or computer monitor can also have a stimulative effect, so engage in more relaxing activities before bed, such as reading. Remove TVs from your bedroom and keep a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends.

Tags: side effects, sleeping pills, yoga postures