Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Charge A Chakra Candle

The color of candle you use should correspond with the intended chakra.

Chakras, in many spiritual-based beliefs, are colored orbs located within your body that govern your spiritual energy. According to Ambika Wauters, author of "The Book of Chakras," chakra candles will help guide visualization to purify and cleanse your chakras. Before using a chakra candle, you can charge the candle with focused energy that will release during your visualization. Wauters states that this energy release will make your chakra visualization more powerful and effective.


1. Pick a candle in a color that corresponds with the chakra you intend to cleanse. For example, a red candle will help you cleanse your root chakra while a green candle will help cleanse the heart chakra.

2. Sit in a quiet room where you will be able to charge your chakra candle uninterrupted.

3. Hold your chakra candle in both hands and focus on its color.

4. Visualize sweeping away any negative energy in the candle, leaving only clean energy. Do not imagine that you are absorbing this energy; rather, visualize it disappearing into the earth.

5. Close your eyes and visualize the candle filling with the energy of the color. For example, if the candle is red, imagine that the candle is now a vibrant, glowing red. If the candle is purple, imagine that the candle is a pleasing violet tone.

6. Charge the candle with any specific traits or energy relating to the chakra for which the candle is intended. Imagine that energy combining with the bright colored energy already infused in the candle. For example, the root chakra's energy draws from passion; the crown chakra draws from enlightenment.

7. Repeat this charging process with all your chakra candles before proceeding with your chakra cleansing.

Tags: your chakra, chakra candle, will help, candle will, candle will help, candle with, chakra candles