Monday, December 19, 2011

Treat A Yeast Infection With Yogurt

At least once in every women's life they will experience a yeast infection. Although there is a variety of medications available to treat this condition, a variety of natural cures exist. Using plain yogurt is one of those cures. The good bacteria in plain yogurt helps fight yeast. This article will describe the proper method for using yogurt to treat a yeast infection.


1. Go to the store and buy a small carton of plain yogurt. Make sure it is plain with no fruit, no added sugar and no flavoring in it of any type. Make sure that whatever type yogurt you buy has "active cultures" listed on its container.

2. Eat 8 oz of yogurt daily to help avoid Candida (yeast) uprisings or stop them after they have started. Research has shown that daily ingestion of yogurt containing the bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus helps in the prevention and treatment of yeast infections. If yogurt isn't your thing, taking L. acidophilus capsules also has been shown to help prevent yeast infections.

3. Schedule an appointment with your doctor If yogurt doesn't do the trick. The doctor can prescribe other treatment options for yeast infections, such as oral or topical anti-fungal medication.

Tags: plain yogurt, yeast infections, Make sure