Friday, December 16, 2011

Treat Rubella

Rubella is also commonly known as the German measles even though they are not really measles at all. Rubella is not longer widespread since the invention of the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine in 1969. Rubella is a viral respiratory disease that is contagious. It presents itself with a measle like rash and a low grade fever. You can not treat the viral aspect of Rubella, but you can treat it's symptoms.


1. Treat the fever. Most Rubella fevers do not escalate past 101, but it is important to keep the fever down. Fevers can lead to things like febrile seizures. Use Advil or Tylenol to bring the fever down. Read the directions on the label to know what dose your child gets. You can also give your child some cold water to help them cool off from the inside out.

2. Treat the rash. You don't want your child scratching the rash and causing scars that will last for life. There are many anti-itch creams that you can buy over the counter. Calamine lotion is a good one. They also make oatmeal baths that can help if you'd like to try that with your child.

3. Try building up the immune system. Using vitamins and herbs to build up your immune system will help your body get what it needs to fight the viral infection. That means healing quicker. The following vitamins are known for boasting the immune system: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc, Quercetin, and Elderberry. The last two listed are known for working against viral infections.

4. Treat conjunctivitis. This is a common problem with Rubella patients. They make eye drops and ointment you can buy over the counter that will give you some relief. Make sure that you keep cleaning the corner of your eyes with some water and some cotton balls. Always wipe away from the eye instead of swiping inward. You would only spread the conjunctivitis that way.

Tags: your child, immune system, fever down, over counter, that will