Thursday, December 29, 2011

Treat Dermatitis Using Natural Remedies

Itching affected areas can lead to scratched, bleeding skin.

There are a several types of dermatitis, but all are characterized by swelling, itchiness and redness of the skin. This chronic condition is neither contagious nor life-threatening, but it can cause you to experience discomfort, embarrassment and periods of self-consciousness. Although there is no cure for dermatitis, you can treat and relieve your symptoms with a variety of natural remedies.

Causes and Triggers of Dermatitis

Dermatitis develops due to genetic factors, allergies, stress or chemical irritants. Once you develop this chronic health condition, it can be treated to relieve symptoms and help prevent triggers from causing a flareup. Contact with an allergen such as certain weeds or plants, metal or rubber can trigger symptoms of dermatitis. Perfumed personal-care products and laundry soap can also irritate your skin, leading to the development of dermatitis symptoms.

Common Dermatitis Symptoms

Although you are likely to suffer from itching, inflammation and redness as a dermatitis sufferer, there are other symptoms that can also cause you discomfort and embarrassment. Blisters can form at the site of a flareup or your skin can become thick and scaly. If you scratch when it itches, your skin can flake, break open and bleed. Depending upon the type of dermatitis you have, the symptoms can manifest on your arms, legs, back, chest, face or scalp.

Natural Remedies

There are several natural remedies you can employ to help you treat the redness, itching and inflammation associated with dermatitis. Cool compresses applied to the affected areas of skin can reduce swelling and reduce the compulsion to itch. If itchy skin is creating a lot of discomfort for you, soaking in a warm bath with 1/2 cup of colloidal oatmeal for 15 minutes can provide relief. You can also apply rice bran broth and vitamin B-12 topically to alleviate some dermatitis symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Flareups

Certain lifestyle changes can help you treat dermatitis by reducing the occurrence of flareups. Use warm water, rather than hot, when you bathe or shower to avoid drying out your skin. Moisturize with a fragrance-free body lotion following your bath or shower. When you get dressed for the day or night, choose cotton clothing with a smooth texture that allows your skin to breathe and won't get caught on scaly skin. Although further research is being conducted, some studies have found that probiotics, such as those found in yogurt, can help reduce dermatitis symptoms.

Tags: your skin, dermatitis symptoms, affected areas, discomfort embarrassment, help treat