Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Use Crystals To Balance Personal Energy And Increase Wellbeing

Crystals help amplify and balance energy.

Crystals help to amplify, direct and balance the flow of life force in your body and environment according to Brenda Rosen, author of "Crystal Basics." Millions of years ago, hot gasses and mineral solutions rose to the surface of the earth from its molten core according to Mary Lambert, author of "Crystal Energy." As the gasses and mineral solutions cooled, atoms merged into specific patterns that formed three-dimensional lattices and formed the crystals we know today. This structure, according to Lambert, lets the crystals absorb, strengthen and transmit electromagnetic energy that can heal and energize a person.


1. Stand before a collection of crystals. Close your eyes. Open your eyes again, note which crystal draws your attention, and pick it up.

Hold the crystal in your hands and wait for a sensation such as warmth, tingling, a surge of energy, a vibration, humming or perhaps light coming from the stone. Try another stone if nothing happens or if the energy does not feel right for you.

2. Hold the crystal under running water for a few minutes. Think about the water removing any negativity and returning the crystal to its neutral energy state according to Mary Lambert, author of "Crystal Energy."

3. Hold the crystal in your hand, visualize it surrounded by white light and say, "I am going to use this crystal for the best and highest intentions," according to Mary Lambert author of "Crystal Energy."

Think about your intention for that crystal, take it into your hands and sense its energy. Then say, "I intend this crystal to..." and add whatever your intention is for the crystal. Repeat the intention two or three times according to Lambert.

4. Wear a necklace of red jasper to increase energy and combat exhaustion according to Dr. Flora Peschek-Bohmer and Gisela Schreiber, authors of "Healing Crystals and Gemstones."

Hold the stone under running lukewarm water to cleanse it and recharge its energy overnight in a bowl of tumbled hematite stones.

5. Deflect negativity from colleagues with smoky quartz, according to Mary Lambert, author of "Crystal Energy."

Hold a smoky quartz crystal for a few minutes and ask it to form a protective barrier around you. Place the crystal on the desk and turn its protective point toward the people with negative attitudes.

Tags: author Crystal, according Mary, according Mary Lambert, author Crystal Energy, Crystal Energy