Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Store And Clean Invisalign Braces

Invisalign orthodontic braces must be removed when you eat, or when you drink beverages other than water. Here's cheaply store and clean your Invisalign braces without purchasing the Invisalign cleaning system and without using any special cleaner.


1. When you remove your aligners, immediately place them in a cup of water. Or, if you don't want guests or co-workers staring at a cup full of orthodontic devices, place them in a small, closed container full of water. I have found that storing the Invisalign braces in water basically eliminates discoloration or "clouding" that occurs otherwise. Store your braces in the water until you need to place them back into your mouth. This prevents your saliva from drying on the aligners.

2. Rinse the braces in water before putting them into your mouth, and change out the water in the container.

3. Whenever you have time, but at least once per day, place a small amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush and brush the inside and outside of the aligners, just as you would brush your own teeth. Rinse the aligners thoroughly in water afterward. Using toothpaste that is more of a traditional "paste" rather than a "gel" makes it easier to rinse off the toothpaste from the braces.

4. Brush your teeth prior to putting the aligners into your mouth. Keeping your teeth clean is part of eliminating discoloration just as you need to keep the braces clean.

Tags: braces water, into your, into your mouth, place them, your mouth