Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chronic Bone & Muscle Pain

Chronic pain is characterized by numerous sensations--including aching, throbbing, burning and stiffness. Many forms of chronic muscle and bone pain are minor. Chronic pain comes from a variety of sources, so determining the exact cause and effect is imperative for proper healing and treatment.


Chronic pain can be diagnosed by a doctor or physician. It's often associated with "trigger points" (areas of the body sensitive to pressure) that may worsen with stress or activity. Pain is long-lasting and usually unaffected by conventional, over-the-counter pain medication.


Muscle pain commonly occurs when there's an injury that causes direct damage to tissue, such as a tear or sprain. Lack of proper attire, such as shoes, when exercising or running puts unnecessary pressure on muscles that can easily lead to chronic pain. Bone pain occurs from multiple diseases or complications, such as osteoporosis and leukemia. An excess or lack of essential nutrients such as calcium and phosphate may also lead to chronic bone pain by causing bones to become brittle and weak. And damage to bones caused by compound fractures or breaks usually leads to extensive pain.


Physical therapy is a primary form of treatment for individuals with chronic bone or muscle pain. During therapy, techniques are utilized to prevent bone and muscle atrophy while causing minimal discomfort. These techniques may incorporate a therapist physically moving the legs, arms or neck of an individual or applying pressure to stimulate nerve endings. Whirlpool spas or pools are sometimes employed to allow people an easy, buoyant environment in which to work injured bones or muscles.

Massage and acupuncture are used to repair or promote muscle growth. Techniques such as deep tissue and friction massage provide muscles with increased circulation. Acupuncture stimulates nerves around sensitive or injured areas and can dull chronic pain.

Prescription painkillers may be prescribed to alleviate pain. For pain associated with trigger points, an injection filled with local anesthesia applied directly into the sensitive area. With serious complications, surgery may be required to repair lost tissue or bone. A cast is then placed around the affected area to prevent excess movement and speed healing.


Wear proper attire at all times to prevent injury. Do not wear shoes that are too small or have insufficient padding. Do not physically exert or apply unnecessary pressure to a bone or joint if you are experiencing sharp pain or pain lasting longer than a few minutes. For pain associated with inflammation, apply ice packs or bags of frozen vegetables to the area to reduce swelling.


Chronic pain is very serious and sometimes indicates the presence of a life-threatening disease, such as leukemia. Seek medical attention immediately if pain does not abate through conventional medication. Do not under any circumstances ignore chronic bone or muscle pain; this can lead to further discomfort and injury.

Tags: associated with, bone muscle, associated with trigger, chronic bone, Chronic pain, lead chronic