Staying up all night can put a damper on your day.
Understanding what happens to your mood when you don't get enough sleep may make you change your priorities. According to the Mayo Clinic, an adult needs seven to nine hours a night. Many people believe their career or social life is more important than getting adequate sleep. While these activities help you lead a fulfilling life, without adequate sleep, you won't find them to be as satisfying as you hoped they would be.
If you've ever wondered what is wrong with you when you snap at people for no reason or you seem to be more sensitive than usual, it might be because you are sleep deprived. When you don't get enough sleep, your body doesn't have enough opportunity to recuperate from daily stress. The stress accumulates and your body remains at an elevated level of anxiety. Therefore, you may be highly sensitive to anything slightly negative. You may not even realize that you're irritable, but people around you can tell you are on edge, especially if you respond to them aggressively in a non-threatening situation.
Not only will you feel irritable when you don't get enough sleep, but you may become more aggressive. You may approach people differently than you normally do and if you are playing a sport, you may be more physical than you need to be. Your stress level is already heightened and when additional stress is introduced, you respond aggressively.
Depressed Mood
When you don't get enough sleep you may also feel depressed. Since you're tired, you won't have as much energy to accomplish everything you want to. You also may begin to have trouble in your relationships because of your irritability and aggressiveness. All of these factors may cause you to feel depressed. This depression can also exacerbate your situation because you may start to isolate yourself, experience a lack of motivation and be unable to focus on tasks, which then causes you to either procrastinate or not do tasks at all. This can cause problems at work or in your relationships that once may have meant so much to you. Many times, these were the reasons why you started to cut down on sleep in the first place.
While you may usually be optimistic,