Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Truth Or Dare Ideas For Sleepovers

Along with popcorn, chocolate, makeovers and movies, sleepover games add late night fun.

From first graders to first-time brides, "truth or dare" is a slumber party staple. While kids' sleepovers will need extra planning and structure, as girls get older they can plan their own party. But an overdose of brownies and caffeine can make the mind go blank, so a ready store of (appropriate) "truth or dare" ideas is a handy resource.

Grade School Slumber Parties: Truth or Dare Ideas

"Truth or dare" slumber party dares can include fun dares, like eating a bowl of ice cream in sixty seconds.

For slumber parties with elementary student girls, added planning and structure can help guide games and defray "first sleepover" anxiety. Print out truth and dare ideas ahead of time and make them available as one of the games the girls can play if they wish. Keep them silly but kind-spirited, easily done by varying skill levels, and clear. For instance, use "truth" questions like, "If you could take any animal to school with you, what would it be?" or, "What's the weirdest place you've stuck a booger?" Keep "dares" to simple activities like, "Pat your head while singing happy birthday" or, "Answer all questions like a monkey for the next 15 minutes."

Middle School Slumber Parties: Truth or Dare Ideas

By the time kids enter middle school, sleepover "Truth or Dare" often involves revealing crushes. At this sensitive stage of girlhood, make sure your printed "truth" questions and "dares" continue to be kind-hearted, but more risky. Include "truth" questions like, "Who is your crush?", "What celebrity do you want to meet?", and harmlessly amusing questions like, "Have you ever played with G.I. Joes?" or "Have you ever used your sibling's toothbrush on accident?" For dares, include items like, "Go sneak a roll of toilet paper from the bathroom without anyone seeing you," or "Run outside and yell, 'I love Justin Bieber!'"

High School Sleepovers: Truth or Dare Ideas

By the time the girls in your household reach high school, they will likely have played "Truth or Dare" already. At this point, the primary challenge is to keep "Truth or Dare" somewhat appropriate, clean and legal. While parents don't control a lot of what their teenage children do, chat before the party about behavior expectations and household rules. Ideas for high school "truth" questions include, "Name everyone you've kissed in the last month," "Have you ever gone to school without brushing your teeth?", "If you could pull one prank knowing you wouldn't get caught, what would it be?", "What's the stupidest thing you've ever done while driving?", and "Whose date would you want to be at the red carpet?" For high school slumber parties, consider pajamas-in-public "dares" if teenager guests have drivers' licenses, like "Go to a taco drive-through and order fried chicken," "Call your crush and quote Will Ferrell movies to him," or "Draw lips on your forehead with lipstick and buy something at a gas station."

Themed Sleepovers: Themed Truth or Dare Ideas

For themed sleepovers, whether birthday, Christmas, Valentine's, or Halloween, stockpile some special "Truth or Dare" ideas that fit with the night. Birthday "truths" might include, "What's the worst birthday present you ever got?" or "If you could be any age, what would it be and why?" Halloween "truths" might include, "Have you ever had a recurring nightmare?" or "What animal are you most afraid of?" Valentine's truths could be, "Have you ever practiced kissing your pillow?" or, "Who is your current crush?" One Christmas "dare" is, "Go wrap toilet paper on the tree," or "Bring a snowball inside." Some Halloween dares include, "Ring the neighbor's doorbell and run away", "Let someone blindfold you and leave you outside for five minutes" and "Eat as much candy as you can in 60 seconds."

Tags: Have ever, Truth Dare, questions like, truth questions, dares include, what would, Dare Ideas