Friday, June 5, 2009

Do Select A Manual Breast Pump

A manual breast pump is a necessary item for a nursing mom who is returning to work. With a manual breast pump, a nursing mom can discreetly pump breast milk for her nursing baby. A manual pump is a good way to keep milk production up, and to prevent engorgement of the breasts, when a nursing mom is away from her nursing baby. A manual breast pump is a cheaper option than an electric or hospital-grade breast pump, which are best for occasional, not constant, use.


1. Determine how often you will need to use a manual breast pump before you purchase one. Consider the baby's regular nursing schedule and how many hours you will be away from the baby. For nursing moms, who may need to pump more than once a day, consider comfort when purchasing a manual breast pump.

2. Select a pedal-operated breast pump if your hands tend to get sore pumping. A pedal-operated manual breast pump is a welcome alternative to a manual breast pump. Another advantage is that the pedal-operated manual breast pump is a double pump, allowing nursing moms to pump both breasts at the same time, similar to an electric pump.

3. Choose a manual breast pump if you do not mind pumping each breast separately. Be sure to purchase at least one extra bottle, which fits with the manual breast pump, as each breast will be done separately.

4. Consider portability when choosing a manual breast pump. Some manual breast pumps are compact enough to fit inside a wide briefcase or a purse.

5. Ask a sales person to help you get a better look at a manual breast pump before you buy one. Examine the grip of the handle, and try it out to see how comfortable it will be when you have to pump continuously. Also, look at how many pieces and parts the manual breast pump has. Some manual breast pumps are easier to clean on the go than others.

Tags: manual breast, manual breast pump, breast pump, breast pump, manual breast