Thursday, May 30, 2013

Does Vinegar Cure Acid Reflux

A lot of people have problems with acid reflux on a continual basis. Many medications are available that may help, but some people's bodies simply do not respond well to them. An old-school remedy for acid reflux is the use of vinegar, usually apple cider vinegar. It is a simple and inexpensive cure that can really help someone who suffers from acid reflux regularly.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider is the best vinegar to use because of the way it is broken down during the fermentation process. After the sugar has been broken down into yeast and bacteria, the apple cider develops many properties that are very beneficial to someone who has acid reflux. There are actually acids in the vinegar that help this ailment- such as acetic, lactic and citric acid.

Why It Is used for Acid Reflux

Most foods that are eaten are broken down into acids in the body, which ends up contributing to too much acid production. This leads to acid reflux, which is characterized by pain, irritation, heartburn and indigestion in the esophagus and chest region. Apple cider vinegar can be used to balance out the alkaline acid in the body if taken every day. It can also help improve a person's overall health.

Using the Vinegar

To help cure acid reflux, take 2 to 3 tbsp. of the vinegar and mix it into 8 oz. cold water. Stir and consume three times per day. This should be repeated daily for at least two weeks to help restore the proper pH to the body. If, after two weeks, acid reflux is still a problem, you can double the dosage per day.

Side Effects

While there are no side effects from taking apple cider vinegar for acid reflux, many people do not like the taste. Some complain of a metallic taste, while others say it burns their tongue. Although the taste and aftertaste of the vinegar may not be the best, the health benefits may make up for it for many people.

Apple cider vinegar can be purchased rather cheaply- usually at a cost of between $2 to $5 for a large bottle that can last for weeks. This makes it an appealing choice for someone suffering from acid reflux.

Tags: acid reflux, acid reflux, cider vinegar, broken down, Apple cider, broken down into, down into