Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Paint Colors To Affect Moods

Blue is a common color in interior design because of its calming, soothing effects.

Colors are known to have psychological effects on the people who see them. Colors are used in paintings to create a specific atmosphere appropriate for the subject of the painting. When decorating a house or public space, interior designers take into account the ways that color will affect the people in that place. In this way, colors are used to cultivate certain moods.

Warm Colors

Warm colors include red, yellow and orange. Warm colors are the color of passion, heat, energy and anger. Rooms painted in warm colors can stimulate the appetite, give you energy, and promote aggressive behavior. When used in paintings, red may be indicative of violence or blood, while yellow is the color of a cheerful disposition. Warm colors have an intense emotional effect on people.

Cool Colors

The cool colors include blue, green and purple. Cool colors are associated with cool temperatures, calm, peace, nature and emotional detachment. Cool colors are often used in paintings to indicate peace and tranquility, and sometimes depression. Used in interior design, cool colors create soothing spaces. Some cool colors like light blue, are used to open up small spaces and make them seem larger. This is because cool colors are recessive, meaning that cool colors fall into the background while warm colors leap forward.


Neutral colors include cream, beige, brown, gray and any color mixed with gray such as gray-blue. The neutrals are emotionally neutralizing, creating soothing and sometimes bland interior designs. When used in paintings, neutral colors can be reminiscent of sepia-toned photographs, subjecting viewers to feelings of nostalgia.


When used in paintings, black can be indicative of depression, anger, uncertainty, authority and subterfuge. When used in interior design, black is a smart color often used as an accent in a room of neutrals or white. Rooms that have been painted entirely black are almost unheard of, as this color can be overwhelming, ominous and depressing.

Tags: used paintings, When used, colors include, cool colors, interior design