Monday, November 16, 2009

Heart Attack Warning Signs For Women

Women are just as likely as men to have a heart attack. However, many women aren't aware that there are signs that point to a heart attack besides chest pain and radiating pain down the left arm. In fact, according to the Women's Heart Foundation, about a third of women won't have any chest pain at all when having a heart attack.


Women who are suffering from a heart attack may experience sudden, extreme fatigue. However, many women ignore this fatigue.


Profuse sweating without any reason is a sign of a heart attack. The sweating may be limited to just the head or it may be full body sweating.


Panic with a feeling of impending doom as a sign of heart attack in women. This feeling is often difficult to overcome.

Flu Like Symptoms

According to the Women's Heart Foundation, 71 percent of women experience flu-like symptoms for two weeks to a month just prior to having the heart attack.

Response to Symptoms

A rapid response when having a heart attack is essential. The best chance of survival requires the blocked artery to be opened within 90 minutes of the onset of symptoms. This can be done in a cardiac catheterization lab. However, if a cardiac catheterization lab isn't available in your area, treatment with oral and IV medications can help minimize the damage from the heart attack.

Tags: heart attack, having heart, having heart attack, heart attack, cardiac catheterization, chest pain, from heart