Monday, July 13, 2009

Prevent Ventricular Fibrillation

A human heart basically beats because electrical impulses run through it. Ventricular fibrillation is a condition when that electrical rhythm is interrupted. This condition is potentially deadly and more than 75 percent of heart patients die suddenly from this condition every year. Although there are no guarantees against getting the disorder, there some preventative measures you can take.


1. Learn CPR with family members. Take a CPR class with friends and family. This preventative measure could go a long way in saving your life later.

2. Know the symptoms. The symptoms of ventricular fibrillation are, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid heart beat. Learn about conditions that can lead to an episode, as well. Known causes of ventricular fibrillation are heart muscle disease, Ischemia and accidental electrocution.

3. Learn about external defibrillators. More and more emergency services, airports, planes and even restaurants are now equipped with them. Know if your local hangout is equipped with one, for example.

4. Get intervention. Talk with your doctor about your concerns regarding possible ventricular fibrillation. Do not wait until you have symptoms to seek medical advice. A doctor will probably just use a stethoscope or cardiac monitor in a preliminary exam.

5. Get updated and educated. There are numerous ways preventative medicine may increase your ability to prevent ventricular fibrillation. Bretylium is an experimental drug known as an “antifibrillatory agent.”

Tags: ventricular fibrillation, equipped with, Learn about