Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Toothache Occur


When someone has a toothache, the first thing a dentist looks for is a cavity. Most people think that sugar causes cavities, but that is only half true. When food is chewed, the saliva breaks down the sugars and turns them into acids. These acids can cause the outer layers of a tooth to deteriorate, resulting in a hole. The hole may start out small and painless, but as food gets into it, it can widen and become very painful.

Gum Disease

Another common cause of toothaches is gum disease. This occurs when bacteria, known as plaque, builds up at the base of the teeth, causing bone erosion and forming "pockets." When food begins to build up in these pockets, it creates a toothache. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss.

Tooth Fracture

Sometimes a tooth may fracture or crack, often as a result of eating something hard. Biting down on the broken tooth can cause severe pain. If treated right away, the person may only need a cap or a crown put on the tooth. However, if left for too long, a root canal may be necessary.


Although most people think of babies when they think of teething, many teenagers may experience pain when they cut their wisdom teeth. While this is not cause for concern, teeth coming up through the gums can be very painful. Sometimes a flap of skin can cover a tooth as it pushes up, and if food gets under the skin, it can cause a slight infection. This is usually solved by removing the food and rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic.


Some people find that they have a toothache after their wisdom teeth erupt and this is usually due to the teeth becoming impacted. Impaction occurs when there is not enough room for all the teeth to fit comfortably, so they get pushed together. This pressing together can often cause pain and usually has to be treated by the removal of the wisdom teeth.


Most toothaches can be prevented by taking care of the teeth and gums properly. Dentists recommend that everyone thoroughly brush their teeth and floss at least twice a day. However, it should be noted that obsessive brushing of the teeth (several times throughout the day) can also lead to problems, mainly the deterioration of the enamel and dentin.

Tags: wisdom teeth, food gets, occurs when, people think, their wisdom, their wisdom teeth, very painful