Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tips For Your Wife To Fall Love Again

Take the time to revive your marriage.

After several years of marriage, four kids and a career that demands a lot of time and attention, you may feel as though you and your spouse have put your relationship aside. The kids are older and you've gotten some extra help at work, so now is the time to concentrate on your marriage. Take some time to revive a once loving and thriving relationship. If you're ready to make the commitment it takes to have your wife fall in love with you again, consider a few tips.

Show Simple Signs of Affection

Give her a quick peck on the cheek in the mornings before work.

It doesn't take much time or effort to give your wife a hug and kiss in the morning. For some couples, even a simple "good morning" will do the trick. Many times couples find themselves hopping out of bed and rushing about to get to work without even acknowledging one another. One morning, surprise your wife and get up early and prepare a nice breakfast. As you leave, give her a peck on the cheek and remind her to have a good day. Make a brief call to her at work just to see how her day is going. At the end of the day, offer to give a foot massage to help her unwind. When your eyes connect, smile. It's the simple things that go a long way.

Leave Notes

Leave sweet but brief notes for her to find throughout the day.

Leaving brief notes for your wife is an idea she'll love. If she's having a particularly difficult day at work, imagine her reaction when she finds the note you left for her this morning that says, "I love you" or "I hope you have a good day!" If her day is going great, your note will keep her in a good mood. For a different approach, leave a note asking her on a date. "Will you have dinner with me tonight?" is a simple and direct message. This gives her something to look forward to that evening.

Take Over Household Chores

Help her out with the daily household chores.

Forget the flowers, forget the candy. Sometimes all your wife wants to know is that you appreciate everything she does around the house, including dealing with children. Without her having to ask, take the reins and clean the dishes that have been in the sink since this morning. Take the time to wash, dry and fold the clothes that she didn't have time to get to because she was busy running errands. Take an afternoon off from work and drop the kids off at the babysitters. Before she comes home, prepare a delicious meal of her favorite foods. Spend the rest of the evening enjoying good wine, good food and great conversation.


She'll appreciation anything done from the heart.

No matter what you do, be sure to do it from the heart. The important thing is to connect with your wife and show her that you still care and love her.

Tags: your wife, brief notes, from heart, have good, have your, peck cheek, Take time