Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Secure A Stokes Stretcher

Emergency workers frequently use Stokes stretchers to transport injured or sick individuals. The stretcher is designed like a wire basket supported by aluminum rods and works with flotation devices or large handling lines. The techniques to secure the stretcher depend upon the size of the injured person you are transporting. Even if the stretcher is very secure, use extreme caution when transporting a stretcher to avoid causing further injury to the patient.


1. Fold one blanket in half and lay it on the top half of the stretcher. This blanket helps protect the injured person's head and shoulders.

2. Roll the remaining two blankets and place them side by side, on the opposite side of the stretcher. These blankets will pad the injured person's legs.

3. Lower the injured person onto the stretcher. Cover him with a blanket. Tuck the blanket into the sides of the stretcher.

4. Extend the stretcher's strap over the chest. Secure this strap on the opposite side of the stretcher, in the small knob on the side of the stretcher. Repeat this process for the straps over the hips and knees.

Tags: injured person, side stretcher, opposite side, opposite side stretcher