Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Effects Of Testosterone

Testosterone is a term that reminds one of the "macho" looks of a male--the bulky muscles, well-defined body structure, strong jaw and increased sex appeal. All of these are associated with this hormone. Even the acne that sprouts in the face of a young boy indicates he is entering manhood and is also an effect of this hormone. So what exactly is this hormone and what does it do? And what are the effects of increased intake of testosterone or testosterone abuse?

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a secretion of the reproductive organs of males and females. It is an anabolic steroid. Anabolic is a word that means "to build up." Testosterone increases protein formation within cells and causes buildup of tissue, especially within muscles. This is one of the reasons that testestorone and related substances are used as performance-enhancing drugs in sports. They also cause the development of masculine characteristics.

Protein Synthesis & Testosterone

As mentioned above, testosterone causes protein synthesis. It also increases appetite, formation of red blood cells and remodeling of bone. Muscles in adults cannot increase in number, but they have enormous potential to increase in size. Testosterone can cause an increase in size of the muscle cells leading to an increase in strength, and they can increase endurance. The protein synthesis is increased and the repair capability is also increased.

Male Maturation & Testosterone

Testosterone is essential for normal development of masculine characteristics during the growth of the fetus in the uterus. Once puberty begins, testosterone becomes very important. The prolonged high levels for a number of years cause the characteristic effects in males. These include deepening of voice, enlargement of clitoris, facial hair, increased muscle strength and mass, remodeling of facial bones, broadening of shoulders, and other changes. In women these effects can occur after high doses of testosterone for prolonged periods of time.

Effects of Testosterone Therapy

The primary use of testosterone is for primary hypogonadism in males. This condition leads to decreased functioning of male sex organs due to little or no testosterone secretion in the male. The therapy allows men to have enough of the hormone to function normally.

Testosterone Abuse & Its Effects

The levels of testosterone used for performance enhancement (in male and female athletes) is much higher than that used for hypogonadism. This high dosage of the drug has a lot of adverse side effects associated with it. They can increase the chances of heart disease, cause baldness (even in women), lead to development of breast tissue in males, reduce sexual function and cause temporary infertility in males. This high level of testosterone from outside sources can cause decreased secretion of testosterone from the testes leading to a decrease in the size of the testes. When abused during adolescent years, it can cause stunting of growth. Aggression, violence, mania and suicide have been found to follow abuse of anabolic steroids but long-term conclusive studies are lacking. Testosterone and anabolic steroids are typically administered via injection into muscles.

Tags: this hormone, anabolic steroids, associated with, development masculine, development masculine characteristics, Effects Testosterone