Monday, April 30, 2012

Why Is Topaz The Birthstone Of November

Why Is Topaz the Birthstone of November?

Each month's assignation to an astrological sign ties in prominently to the birthstone selected for that month. Because November is the month for Scorpios, a "sun sign" (Sagittarius does not enter the picture until November 22), topaz is a fitting stone being that it is associated with the sun and topaz is typically portrayed as having a vibrant orange color.


Originally, the word for topaz was "tapas," a word that means "fire" in Indian Sanskrit, an entomological acknowledgment of the Scorpio in sun. Topaz came to be allied with the Scorpio sign because it is a gem that represents strength and a firm balance of emotions. Scorpios are known for being individualistic and sagacious, also qualities that trace back to the symbolism of yellow/orange topaz.


Topaz is available in its organic state mainly in South America and Europe. Citrine is the type of topaz being referred to in this instance, since it is considered the birthstone for November. Other types of this particular gemstone, such as green and blue topaz, are more easily attainable because of their multi-continent presence.

Fun Fact

During medieval times, many people believed that topaz had healing powers capable of curing mental illness. In Roman culture, it was touted as a stone that could improve one's eyesight.


The cleavage of a topaz stone is parallel to the basal plane of the stone. Topaz, when cut in jewel form, can be broken if dropped or jostled because of its symmetry. In crystallized form, topaz is inconsistent in color, often streaked in varying tones.

Famous Ties

Truman Capote, Ezra Pound, and Katherine Hepburn are all Scorpios with topaz as their birthstone. They would be classified as Sun Scorpios. Most Scorpios are attributed with the characteristics of being competitive, strong and of an impermeable will, which applies to the aforementioned people. Topaz is viewed as an apropos stone for these personality traits because of the fiery, brazen color of citrine topaz.

Tags: Topaz Birthstone, Topaz Birthstone November, with topaz