Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What Are Treatments For Chronic Tension Muscle Headache & Back Pain

Chronic tension or muscular headaches accompanied by back pain can slow you down and interfere with your life. This type of pain may result from stress or an injury, but regardless of the cause there are methods to relax your muscles and stop the ache.

OTC Medications

Headache medications offer quick treatment for tension or muscular headaches. What's more, you can take these medications to reduce muscles spasms or inflammation in the back. Good choices include acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin.

Heat Therapy

Heat from a hot shower, a heating pad or a warm cloth are effective methods because the temperature helps relax muscle tension and offers a natural remedy for tension headaches and backaches.

Stress Prevention

Mental and physical stress also plays a role in tension headaches and backaches. Muscles become tense when under stress. You can relieve tension by practicing stress management techniques such as deep breathing, listening to soft music or exercising.


Constant movement or a busy schedule can create headaches and back pain due to stress and a lack of relaxation. Take time off to clear your mind and relieve tension. Aim for eight hours of sleep a night to reduce tension in your head and back.

Medical Attention

Chronic, uncontrollable stress may produce persistent tension or muscular headaches and back pain. Seek medical attention if you are unable to manage pain at home, or if you need an anti-anxiety or anti-depressant to help lessen tension headaches.

Tags: back pain, muscular headaches, tension headaches, tension muscular, tension muscular headaches, headaches back