Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Use A Walker

Use a Walker

Walkers come in many sizes and varieties and are helpful to anyone who has a difficult time getting around. Walkers give support and stability to people with injuries, instability or limited mobility. Use a walker properly to walk safely and maintain regular mobility at any age or condition.


1. Adjust the walker to be high enough that you can hold it comfortably with your arms slightly bent at a 45-degree angle. If you have to stoop down or bring your arms up high to reach the walker, adjust it up or down an inch or two until you find a comfortable and safe position.

2. Lock the walker into place so the frame is rigid. Folding walkers usually have a latch or button that needs to be pushed into place for the walker to be functional. Make sure your walker is completely open before you walk with it.

3. Place your hands at parallel positions on either side of the walker. This will equally distribute your weight on both feet and on both sides of the walker, making it easier for the walker to support you when you move.

4. Lift the walker and move it in front of you a distance equal to one footstep. Move it a small distance if you're limited to taking small steps close together. Mimicking your gait with the movement of the walker will enable you to use the walker comfortably and naturally. You should never feel like you're "catching up" to your walker.

5. Step into the frame of the walker with both feet, keeping both hands firmly on the walker's handgrips. Once you've completed a step this way, begin the next step by moving the walker forward again.

Tags: both feet, into place, your arms, your walker