Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Benefit From Eating Yogurt

Yogurt has always been one of America's favorite breakfast foods; however, if you knew all of the healthy benefits that come with eating yogurt, it might just become part of your daily diet. Yogurt, unlike other forms of dairy, is easy for the body to digest and better yet, it's delicious. So, grab a spoon and serve yourself a heaping helping of yogurt today.


1. Get to know the benefits of healthy bacteria, also known as probiotics, which are found in live yogurt cultures. These healthy bacteria help your body to digest and absorb nutrients and eliminate wastes. For those with digestive problems, yeast infections or taking antibiotics, eating yogurt can be a great way to increase probiotics and keep your body healthy. When choosing yogurt, make sure that the label mentions live or active cultures.

2. Prevent osteoporosis by eating a delicious bowl of yogurt each day. Yogurt is a natural source of calcium and is often fortified with vitamin D, two components which are important in the maintenance of healthy bones.

3. Control high blood pressure, another fantastic benefit of yogurt. Studies have shown that people who include two to three servings of low-fat dairy, including yogurt, in their daily diet have a lower risk for developing problems with blood pressure.

4. Add yogurt to your weight loss meal planning, as studies have shown that people who eat one to two servings of yogurt at breakfast have fewer cravings throughout the day. While it has not been determined why, it may be the protein content of yogurt which helps to control appetite.

5. Fight bacteria with bacteria. Studies have shown that eating yogurt with live or active cultures helps to fight against common bacterial infections, such as salmonella and food poisoning. Additionally, the live enzymes in yogurt help to boost the immune system, helping your body to fight off infection.

Tags: eating yogurt, have shown, have shown that, shown that, your body, active cultures