Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Controlling Your Breathing During A Run

Controlled breathing can help you run farther and faster.

The best way to improve your overall performance while running is to control your breathing. You can run longer and faster if you breathe correctly. During exercise, your body needs oxygen. When you breathe incorrectly during a run, you deprive your muscles of the oxygen. You will feel fatigued faster and may even be more sore following your run. There are a variety of methods that will help you control your breathing, and they work for beginners as well as seasoned runners.


1. Relax your muscles, including your face and jaw. Look in the mirror -- this slack-jawed face should remind you of a dead fish. Your lips should be slightly parted.

2. Breathe through your mouth, not your nose.

Breathe through your mouth. Inhale and exhale fully through your mouth, not your nose.

3. Exhale completely. Your breath in should be shorter and should come from your belly or diaphragm.

4. Keep it quiet. Your breathing should be as quiet as possible. If it's loud, you're breathing too hard, and you should slow down until you can regain control.

5. Music can help you establish a rhythm while you run.

Use a rhythm to practice control. Experts recommend a 3:2 ratio of inhale versus exhale for a moderate pace and distance running. Mimic the military and use your feet to keep count. Inhale for three steps; exhale for two steps.

Tags: through your, through your mouth, your mouth, Breathe through, Breathe through your