Thursday, April 7, 2011

Interact With A Blind Person

Blind people move through society and live happy lives. You'll find that blind people, after minimum accommodation, fit into the world around us with few problems.


1. Relax and smile. There's no reason to be nervous.

2. Address a blind person directly.

3. Remember there's no need to raise your voice.

4. Identify yourself.

5. Include a blind person in any ongoing conversation.

6. Allow a blind person to handle a child's natural curiosity in his or her own way.

7. Ask before assuming a blind person needs help.

8. Ask if a blind person would like a description of surroundings if you're together in a space unfamiliar to the blind person.

9. Remember that a blind person is not visually distracted. Pay attention to your conversation and inform him or her directly if something occurs to distract you.

10. Watch a blind person's reactions. If you sense confusion, a discreet offer to help might be welcome.

11. Respect a blind person's cane. Leave it alone and within the person's reach; it is vital to security and the ability to move.

12. Remember a guide dog is not a pet. While the guide dog accompanies the blind person, you should allow it to devote its attention to that person.

13. Tell a blind person you are departing when you leave his or her presence.

Tags: blind person, blind person, that blind