Monday, April 4, 2011

Induce Labor Using Pressure Points

The last month of a pregnancy can be hard on a woman and one of the slowest times of her life. She may be big and miserable, and all she wants to do is hold her new little bundle of joy in her arms. For women past the 37th week of pregnancy, using pressure points to induce labor may be a viable option. According to WebMD, during a small study by researchers at the University of North Carolina, women who used accupressure were 20 percent more likely to go into labor without medical intervention. They were also 22 percent less likely to need a c-section. It is important to wait to try these or any other induction methods until after your eighth month of pregnancy, so the baby's lungs are mature enough to allow him to breathe on his own.


Large Intestine 4

1. Begin at the base of your thumb.

2. Trace down the side of the thumb bone until it begins to curve back up towards the index finger.

3. Stop where the thumb bone and index finger bone connect.

4. Massage this spot to start contractions.

5. Stop as soon as you feel a contraction.

Spleen 6

6. Begin at your ankle.

7. Stretch your fingers out straight, but tightly next to one another, and place them just above your ankle, if you are able to. If not, you can have your partner help you with this step.

8. Put your finger of your opposite hand at the top of your stretched out fingers, so that the ankle is on one side and your hand is on the other.

9. Massage this spot to start contractions.

10. Stop as soon as you feel a contraction.

Bladder 32

11. Have your partner begin at the top of your buttocks dimple.

12. Tell him to move his finger up from this spot, going towards the spine, until he feels a small indention. It will not be far from the dimple, about one finger width.

13. Ask him to remove the finger that he used to measure.

14. Massage this spot to start contractions.

15. Stop him as soon as you feel a contraction.

Tags: this spot, contractions Stop, contractions Stop soon, feel contraction, Massage this, Massage this spot