Monday, January 24, 2011

Get Rid Of Wasps' And Hornets' Nests

Hornets and wasps are similar in more than just the pain they cause. In fact, some insects that we call hornets, such as the bald-faced hornet, are actually more closely related to wasps than to hornets, according to Get Rid of Things. The primary difference between the two is that a hornets' nest is typically elevated, while a wasps' nest is more likely to be found underground. In either case, getting rid of their nests is a fairly simple problem to resolve.


1. Use insecticide, in the form of hornet and wasp spray on either type of nest. Wear protective clothing and treat the nest at night. For an elevated nest, use a spray that projects about 15 to 20 feet. This will reach most nests and give you a safe distance to work with. If the nest is underground, use a small amount of the spray to avoid contaminating the ground.

2. Use boiling water as a safer method to get rid of an in-ground nest. Boil a pot of water and pour it into the hole leading to the underground part of the nest. Do this late at night to catch them while they sleep. This method may be less effective than an insecticide but it will do no harm to the environment.

3. Repeat either method up to three times or until you no longer see wasps or hornets in the area.
