Thursday, January 6, 2011

Get Rid Of Acne Scars Caused By Hormonal Changes

Get Rid of Acne Scars Caused by Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are often responsible for acne in both men and women. Everyone experiences hormonal changes throughout life, with the first major shift occurring during puberty. Certain medications can also alter hormone levels and lead to acne. Oftentimes, acne leaves behind red, pink, white or brown scars. Acne scars are more likely to occur if you pick or pop your acne pimples, thereby damaging the skin. If you have scars from hormonal acne, there are many things you can do to reduce the appearance of those scars.


1. See a dermatologist if you are still experiencing hormonal acne. You should first eliminate any existing acne before you begin treating acne scars. Your doctor will help you regulate hormone levels in order to get rid of your acne.

2. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. The sun's rays can further damage scarred skin, making the scars darker and more noticeable. Choose a sunscreen with a high SPF level that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If you will be in the sun for extended periods of time, wear a hat and large sunglasses.

3. Use a scar treatment cream. These creams contain ingredients such as onion extract, which has been shown to fade scars more quickly. Most scar treatment creams must be used multiple times a day for a few months in order to see results.

4. Apply a fade or lightening cream. Such creams will help to lighten areas of darkened pigment. Since acne scars often appear darker than the surrounding skin, the creams will help you to achieve a more even skin tone.

5. Talk to your dermatologist about prescription-strength creams that will lighten your scars. Oftentimes, these treatments contain Retin-A which will increase cell regeneration. As a result, new skin cells will be made more quickly to replace the older, scarred cells.

6. Look into microdermabrasion treatments. These involve a licensed professional using a mini sandblaster-type tool on your skin. The device buffs away the top layers of your skin, revealing fresher, less damaged skin below. Your acne scars will be less noticeable on the younger skin.

7. Get chemical peels. Commonly performed by dermatologists, these peels involve chemicals which essentially burn away the top layers of your skin. Once the skin heals, it will look less damaged. You can choose between light, medium and heavy chemical peels, depending on the extent and condition of your acne scars.

8. Consider laser treatments to get rid of your acne scars. Dermatologists have found lasers to be the most effective way to fade acne scars. The laser light targets the pigment in the scars, breaking it up so it is reabsorbed by the body's immune system. In addition, the laser encourages collagen production so new skin cells are produced more rapidly. Expect laser treatments to be somewhat painful and expensive.

Tags: acne scars, will help, your acne, your skin, acne scars, Acne Scars Caused