Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Avoid Periodontal Disease

According to dental experts, periodontal disease, or gum disease, is one of the leading causes of tooth decay among adults. Bleeding gums and bad breath often are early signs. Reports estimate that more than 75 percent of adults may have periodontal disease or are at serious risk for developing it. However, practicing good oral hygiene can help you avoid the unhealthy effects.


1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. This is probably the easiest thing that you can do to prevent gum disease. Flossing once daily is important as well, as flossing helps to remove any food particles or plaque that may remain in between teeth after brushing.

2. Visit your dentist every 6 months. This is essential for good oral health. Regular dental checkups are necessary to detect problems early. Getting treatment early on can help prevent receding gums, loose teeth and even tooth loss, all of which are frequently associated with gum disease.

3. Schedule a professional tooth cleaning, which removes plaque that can harden into tartar. If plaque is left to continue to build up, this can cause the gums to begin to recede. You should have your teeth cleaned professionally twice each year.

4. Eat a well-balanced diet to boost the body’s immune system, enabling it to effectively fight gingivitis-causing bacteria, which can damage your teeth and gums. Proper nutrition helps build collagen in the periodontal ligaments. Be sure to include adequate amounts of vitamins C, A and E, along with other key antioxidants like bioflavonoids and zinc, in your diet.

5. Drink plenty of water. This increases the production of saliva, reducing the chances for the bacteria that cause gum disease to thrive.

6. Avoid smoking to help prevent gum disease. Smoking causes dryness in the mouth, creating a favorable environment for bacteria to grow and do damage. Since more than one half of the cases of periodontal disease affecting American adults can be attributed to cigarette smoking, researchers now believe that smoking may be the major preventable risk factor for the disease.

Tags: your teeth, good oral, help prevent, more than, periodontal disease