Monday, March 16, 2009

Lipovox Side Effects

Lipovox is a weight-loss supplement and diet pill. It consists of a blend of some of the most powerful foods in nature (including alfalfa sprouts and Brazilian acai). It is purported to not only assist in losing weight, but also combat acne and wrinkle formation. Lipovox is popular because it combines all these beneficial foods and powerful weight-loss capabilities into one small and convenient capsule. As with any diet pill, however, there are some possible side effects to using Lipovox.


Lipovox contains numerous food extracts, so if you have allergies to any of them, you might experience some side effects. Signs of allergic reactions you might experience include difficulty breathing, wheezing, itchiness, hives, rashes and throat and mouth swelling.


Some Lipovox users have reported mild side effects after using the diet pill, including dry lips and excessive thirst. Some people believe that the use of Lipovox brings about dehydration. However, Lipovox has never been studied, so there are no official side effects listed for this drug.


Many people assume that, since Lipovox is a "natural" product, it cannot possibly interact negatively with any other supplements or drugs they might be taking. However, if you are already on some other type of medication, you may want to talk to your doctor before using Lipovox, to prevent any negative interactions from occurring. The collision of some medications with diet pills could bring on negative and potentially dangerous side effects.


To ensure your safety before taking Lipovox diet pills, talk to your doctor if you have any health-related concerns, suffer from allergies (whether to food, preservatives or dyes), are currently breastfeeding or are pregnant (or even thinking about getting pregnant in the near future). Your doctor should be able to tell you whether or not you are a good candidate for taking Lipovox.


Some Lipovox users also report headaches, nausea, vomiting and stomach pain as side effects. If you experience any of these, stop taking Lipovox immediately and consult your doctor to find out why you might be experiencing these problems (or perhaps start using a new diet pill/nutritional supplement altogether).

Tags: side effects, diet pill, taking Lipovox, diet pills, Lipovox users