Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Does My Heat Pump Have A Fume Smell

Heat pumps can be a highly energy-efficient alternative to conventional heating and cooling systems, but occasionally they can produce fumes and odors which can be either harmless, or potentially noxious. Fumes can originate from the heat pump unit itself or from the ductwork associated with it.

Common Odors

Sometimes, heat pumps can create musty odors if there is organic dust accumulating in the heat pump's condensate drop pan after the unit has run in cooling mode. Another possibility is that the air ducts associated with the heat pump have duct liner installed, and pieces of the liner can break off near the heat exchanger and produce a burned odor.

Chemical Odors

When a heat pump coil is cleaned with strong chemicals, it can produce a chemical reaction and cause damage to the coil or produce noxious or irritating odors and fumes.


Homeowners who are not sure where an odor is coming from can experiment by turning their heat pump off and on. Any suspected dangerous odor should be investigated by a professional immediately.

Tags: heat pump, associated with