Friday, December 14, 2012

Make Scented Oil

Make Scented Oil

Making scented oil requires nothing more than a carrier oil of your choice, and essential oils to create the scent. Carrier oil is used to deliver the scent to the body, or the air. Scented oils can be used for massage, as air fresheners, or in homemade bath and body products. This recipe yields approximately 2 oz., or 4 tbsp., of scented oil.


1. Pour 4 tbsp.of carrier oil of your choice into a small, dark-colored glass bottle. Extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil or sesame oil can be used. Do not use low-quality cooking oils to make scented oil, as they do not mix well with scents.

2. Add approximately 50 to 60 drops of essential oil of your choice to the bottle. Lavender, vanilla and rose work well for massage oils, while lemon, lime and orange work well for air fresheners. Use one or a combination of essential oils, but do not exceed 60 drops.

3. Place the lid on the bottle and shake well to mix. Label the bottle with the contents, and store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight until ready for use. Scented oil will keep indefinitely with proper storage.

4. To use scented oil for massage, rub into the skin, usually the upper chest, neck and back, until the oil is fully absorbed. To use as an air freshener, place a few drops in a light bulb ring, or a diffuser. Add several drops to bathwater for an aromatic bath or apply the oil directly to the skin as a mild perfume, but don't use too much.

Tags: your choice, carrier your, carrier your choice, essential oils, work well