Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Use Tea Tree Oil For Yeast Infections

Use Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. This and other bacteria are always present in the body in small amounts; however, factors such as a lowered immune system, hormonal changes, sex, diabetes, and antibiotics can trigger overgrowth, according to Candida Yeast Infection Reviews. Hot, humid weather and tight clothing will also contribute to yeast infections. Try combating such infections with the antifungal essential oil tea tree. Tea tree oil is also antiseptic, anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory, which adds to its healing powers. Try the following home remedy for yeast infection relief.


Tea Tree Oil Tampon Remedy

1. Find a tampon that is unscented, as scented tampons can sometimes cause allergic reactions.

2. Moisten the tampon with 10 to 15 drops of tea tree essential oil.

3. Insert the tampon into your vagina, and leave it in for 40 minutes to an hour. Repeat these steps daily until your infection goes away, which will take a week or less.

Tea Tree Oil Douche

4. Measure 1 tsp. of tea tree oil and 1 tsp. of rubbing alcohol in a small bowl, and mix until the solution is milky white, instructs HomeRemediesWeb.com.

5. Pour the solution into a dropper bottle, and add 10 drops of the solution to 1 pt. of water.

6. Rinse your vagina with the solution every day for 1 week.

Tags: Tree Yeast, Tree Yeast Infections, Yeast Infections, your vagina